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Turning Point Dance Studio, an award winning Dance Studio in Spanish Fork, Utah.
Thank you for 35+ years!
Mrs. Pam has retired.
2024-2025 Season Cancelled!
Registration is CLOSED.
Open House for Tuesday, July 16th is Cancelled...
Click here to download our registration form.
FIVE years running we have been voted in the top three "Best of Utah" Three of those years we were voted #1 Dance Studio in Utah County! We were highlighted in Utah Valley 360 Magazine. Check it out here! View our 2023 Fiesta Days ad here. View our 2023 Hometown ad here. We were given the opportunity to be in Hometown Values Highlights Article!! Check it out here. (coming soon!!)

About Us: Turning Point Dance Studio serves the south Utah county area. Our program is based on quality technique in a fun and loving environment. Established in 1989 Turing Point has been serving our area for over 34 years! We are set apart from most studios in our industry because of our commitment to high standards in modesty and age appropriateness with choreography and music. We believe in a careful selection process of all music, costumes, teachers, events etc. Our Directors Pam Bingham & Whitney Johnson along with the rest of our TPDS staff have qualifying back grounds in Dance Education. Learning from Master Teachers in all aspects of dance from all over the country. We love the opportunities dance has brought into our lives and we want to bring those same opportunities into the lives of our students.
Our Mission: Dancing with us will allow a "Turning Point" in your dancers dance education. We believe in building our students up to be the best that they can be. We focus on becoming a better dancer/version of our selves with each new day. We build strong dancers through correct and appropriate technique. We also build strong young women who are also learning life lessons and good physical habits.
A time at which a decisive change in a situation occurs, especially one with beneficial results.
Why Dance? Paying for dance lessons or investing in you dancer? All points lead to investing. Dance lessons will instill many countless qualities and bring opportunities for personal growth and development. Life lessons will be learned; success will not happen over night and it takes consistency. Dance will instill confidence, teach dedication to themselves and their team, hard work and the consequences that follow. Goals will be set and they will learn what it takes to achieve those goals. Life long friendships will be made and opportunity to bless the lives of others.